Framilastic 9 mm Transparent Elastic Trägerband

Product number: 33584-09

Delivery Time: Available, 1-3 Tage

€0.95 * / m

% €1.20* (20.83% saved)
Content: 1 m
Allowed range: 10 m to 9999 m, step size: <span class='neonUnitarticles__input__notice__allowedRange__stepsize'>1,00</span> m.
Product information
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1031\f0\fs16 Framilastic is ideal for stretchy garments, such as sportsear, leggins, shirts, underwear, swimwear. It is also suitable for elastic waistbands, securing of bias-cut or round edges, such as shoulder seam and armwhole and various creative applications. \par It is a sew-in tape with very high elasticity and yet very strong. It is resistent towards bleach, it is not allergenic and heat resistant up to 130\'b0C. \par video \par } �
Breite: 15 mm
Farbe: transparent
Farben: transparent
Haptik/Optik: transparent
Product information
{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1031\f0\fs16 Framilastic is ideal for stretchy garments, such as sportsear, leggins, shirts, underwear, swimwear. It is also suitable for elastic waistbands, securing of bias-cut or round edges, such as shoulder seam and armwhole and various creative applications. \par It is a sew-in tape with very high elasticity and yet very strong. It is resistent towards bleach, it is not allergenic and heat resistant up to 130\'b0C. \par video \par } �
Breite: 15 mm
Farbe: transparent
Farben: transparent
Haptik/Optik: transparent